Year 4 Homework 1.11.17

Year 4 Homework

Handed out: 1st November 2017

Tested: 6th November 2017


Revise your spellings for the week and aim to use them in your discussions and writing. We have looked at words ending in /shun/ spelt ‘sion’. We have worked out that the root words either end in ‘d’, ‘de’ or ‘se’.

Last week, we put some spelling strategies for you to use on the blog. Pick one of these strategies to practise this week’s spellings.

expansion     extension     comprehension                 tension                  corrosion supervision fusion          conclusion              persuasion              suspension



This week we would like you to focus on numbers in the 3 times table. However, we are particularly looking at dividing numbers by 3 as we have been working on division this week. Answer the following questions and be ready for a rapid test next week.

Remember, division is the inverse to multiplication so 21 ÷ 3 is the same as 3 x ___ = 21


21 divided by 3

18 divided by 3

27 divided by 3

33 divided by 3

12 divided by 3

15 divided by 3

9 divided by 3

Year 4 Half Term Homework


As you are aware, we have a Battle of the Bands competition this half term between Mr Forbes’ and Mrs Tozer’s classes. Every time you visit Times Table Rock Stars you will earn coins for your class. Therefore, not only will you be improving your knowledge of the times tables, but you will also be earning valuable coins for your class.

Spellings will be tested on the first Thursday back as we are aware the children who usually collect a paper copy of the spellings did not receive these on Friday.

The spellings, which we looked at during the beginning of the week, are below. You will be aware if you are learning the ‘sion’ spellings or the ‘ly’ spellings.




Have a lovely half term.

Mr Forbes and Mrs Tozer.

Year 4 spelling 11.10.17

Year 4 Homework

Handed out: 11th October 2017

Spellings tested: 16th  October 2017


Revise your spellings for the week and aim to use them in your discussions and writing. We have looked at words ending in /shun/ spelt ‘sion’. We have worked out that the root words either end in ‘de’ or ‘se’.

Last week, we put some spelling strategies for you to use on the blog. Pick one of these strategies to practise this week’s spellings.

division            invasion            decision            collision      

erosion             inclusion           explosion          confusion

television          revision    




This week, we have given you your login details for ‘Times Table Rockstars’. Login into the site by visiting:

Once on the site, input your login username and password as shown this week.

You will then have to choose a rockstar name.


Explore the site.


Visit the ‘garage’ section and have a go at the questions which pop up. How quickly can you answer this week’s tables?



Year 4 Spelling Update 4.10.17

I know that some people are struggling to access the homework link on certain devices so I have included the homework within the post below.

Unfortunately, the maths involves a  word search which cannot be copied into the post and that is why it has had to be included as an attachment.


For those who cannot access the link, please speak to Mr Forbes or Mrs Tozer to get a hard copy of the homework.

Hope this helps.

Year 4 Homework

Handed out: 4th October 2017

Spellings tested: 9th October 2017


Revise your spellings for the week and aim to use them in your discussions and writing. We have looked at homophones this week (words with the same pronunciation but different meaning).    Whilst these spellings may not seem too difficult, the focus is on using the correct word for the sentence and meaning intended.

meddle              medal               mist          missed              scene

seen                  bored                board                which       witch

Using one of each the homophones, come up with some compound sentences (2 main clauses) and underline the homophone used.



Year 4 Homework 4.10.17

Spelling activities-1fjc8dgGood Afternoon


Here is this week’s spellings and times tables.

It is becoming evident from speaking with some children that some are not practising their spellings at home. This must happen for the spellings and spelling rules to be embedded in your learning.


Some spelling activities and strategies are attached for you to have a look through and try over the coming weeks. See what works best.


homework week 5-226ong3Spelling activities-1fjc8ee

Year 4 Homework 20.9.17

Here is the homework for this week. The spellings and mental maths will be tested on Monday so you must have you homework book in on this day.

Year 4 Homework

Handed out: 20th September 2017

Spellings tested: 25th September 2017


Revise your spellings for the week and aim to use them in your discussions and writing. We have looked at the ‘im’ prefix this week, which means ‘not’ or ‘into’, and is placed in front of words beginning with an ‘m’ or an ‘p’.

immature          immeasurable    impossible        immortal

imperfect           impatient          immovable        impolite

important          improper




We are working on the 7 x tables this week. Time yourself to answer the following calculations.

7x 8            8 x 7                4 lots of 7           72                           6 x 7

2 x 7                   3 multiplied by 7           11 x 7

How fast did you do it? Did you get them all correct?

Have another go and see if you can beat your time and score.



Pick up to 3 words from your reading book that you are not sure of the meaning. Can you work out what they mean from the rest of the sentence? Use a dictionary to check their meaning.