Homework 24.1.18

Year 4 Homework

Handed out: 24th January 2018

Tested: 29th January 2018


This week, we have looked at words that where the suffix -ation is added to the noun. The words that we have learned and should be practiced further are:











Learn your spellings for the week in preparation for next week’s test. What strategy will you pick this week to help you?


We will be holding auditions for the Y3/4 production next week so that parts can be given out before half term. Please prepare a piece of your choice, that lasts approximately 1 minute, to demonstrate your skills in preparation for this. Think about your use of expression and how you project your voice.

Year 4 Homework

Year 4 Homework

Handed out: 17th January 2018

Tested: 22nd January 2018


This week, we have looked at words that are homophones or near homophones. The words we have learned and should be practiced further are:

information   adoration     sensation        preparation          exaggeration

location         education      concentration   imagination         organisation


Learn your spellings for the week in preparation for next week’s test. What strategy will you pick this week to help you?


We have looked at how to add and subtract fractions with different denominators. We’ve used our understanding of multiples to do this. Can you use your mental maths skills to quickly work out a common denominator for a pair of numbers? E.g. 4 and 5, the lowest common multiple is 20. Remember, the lowest common multiple isn’t always the product of both numbers.

Year 4 Homework 12.1.18

Year 4 Homework

Handed out: 10th January 2018

Tested: 15th January 2018


This week, we have looked at words that are homophones or near homophones. The words we have learned and should be practiced further are:

cereal         serial          check         cheque       threw

through      draft          draught      stairs         stares


Learn your spellings for the week in preparation for next week’s test. What strategy will you pick this week to help you?


Please make sure that you practice your times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars. We will be setting up a competition for the week between the two classes.

Swimming 3.1.18

We hope you have all had a brilliant break and a lovely Christmas.


Just a reminder for Mr Forbes’ class – swimming begins the first day back (3rd January) and will be every Wednesday throughout this term.


We look forward to seeing you all.


Year 4 Team

Year 4 Homework 13.12.17

Year 4 Homework

Handed out: 13th December 2017

Tested: 19th December 2017


This week, we have looked at words with the short ‘i’ sound spelt /y/. There is no definitive rule to remember for this so learning the spellings spelt this way is key.


oxygen       symptom    pyramid      mystery      physical

system        symbol       lyrics          typical        crystal



Learn your spellings for the week in preparation for next week’s test. What strategy will you pick this week to help you?



We have been looking at ways to find the missing numbers in a range of questions. Read these questions carefully and decide what strategy you could use to work out the missing numbers. Think about the inverse!


1345 + ________ = 2546

4132 – _______ = 843

8 x _______ = 336

______ ÷ 6 = 144

Homework 6.12.17

Year 4 Homework

Handed out: 6th December 2017

Tested: 11th December 2017


This week, we have looked at words ending with the /shun/ sound spelt ‘cian’. We worked out the ‘cian’ is usually added to professions or careers. The words we have learned and should be practiced further are:

musician             politician            electrician           magician

mathematician     dietician             statistician          technician

Clinician             beautician


Learn your spellings for the week in preparation for next week’s test. What strategy will you pick this week to help you?



Well done to everyone who has regularly been visiting Times Table Rock Stars over the last couple of weeks. Year 4 have done fantastically well and we have started to see a real difference. We have even had some children lead the whole school in the time it takes to answer questions on TTRS.

This week, we are going to be focusing on everything ‘7’. The test next week will involve all four operations.

E.g.    7 x 4         35 – 7                42 + 7               28 ÷ 7

So make sure you focus on everything ‘7’ over the week.


Year 4 Homework 29.11.17

Year 4 Homework

Handed out: 29th November 2017

Tested: 4th December 2017


This week, we have looked at words ending with the /shun/ sound spelt ‘tion’. The words we have learned have root words ending in ‘t’ and ‘te’, although 2 of them have no root word. The words to be learned are:

invention            injection             action        mention              question

attraction           translation          devotion     position              solution

Learn your spellings for the week in preparation for next week’s test. What strategy will you pick to help you?




From looking at Times Table Rock Stars, it appears that the ‘8’ times table is an area which we need to work on as a year group. Therefore, this week we would like to you to practise the 8 times table ready for the test on Monday. This could be through visiting TTRS, answering the questions below or any other way you feel will benefit you.


8 x 2         4 x 8         8 x 4         6 x 8         10 x 8                12 x 8

8 x 5         3 x 8         11 x 8                7 x 8         1 x 8         9 x 8

Year 4 Homework 22.11.17

Year 4 Homework

Handed out: 22nd November 2017

Tested: 27th November 2017

Spellings and grammar

This week, we have again been looking at apostrophes. We worked out that apostrophes can show possession (Ben’s disobedient dog galloped across the field chasing pigeons). We have also learned that when we are talking about something belonging to more than one noun it is known as plural possession (the boys’ coats were spread all over the floor).

You are to read the following passage and include apostrophes to show when there is singular possession and plural possession.

On Sunday, Anthony went over to Jonhs house to play basketball. They

played a game of one-on-one. At the end of the game, Anthonys score was

six, but Johns score was eight. The hoops nets were both worn out and the boys feet were both aching by the end of the game. John was the winner. After the game, the boys went inside to have some snacks and watch television. They played with Johns new puppies. The puppyies names are Fido and Parker. Fidos ears are long and floppy and he is very calm natured, whereas Parkers tail wags non-stop! The boys had a great day. Johns mum is going to ask Anthonys mum if Anthony can come over again next weekend.


You will also be tested on the 5 spellings that have been added to your envelope this week.



Times Table Rockstars time. This week we would like you all to get a ‘base score’ for the time it takes you to answer your questions. This only happens when you have visited the ‘studio’ section 10 times. Some of you are there already so you can work on improving that time!

Year 4 homework 15.11.17

Year 4 Homework

Handed out: 15th November 2017

Spellings tested: 20th November 2017


This week, we have been looking at apostrophes. We worked out that apostrophes can show possession (Ben’s disobedient dog galloped across the field chasing pigeons) and omitted letters (was not – wasn’t).

You are to read the following passage and include apostrophes where required to show possession and omitted letters.

When I arrived at my school this morning, I couldnt believe my eyes! There were only 11 boys and 8 girls in the classroom. Theyll be really bored with what I have planned, I thought. I shouldve organised something different for them to do. They wouldnt enjoy what Id set for them. Suddenly, I had a brainwave. Ill get them to write a paragraph with lots of missing apostrophes. Like the one youre reading now. Theyd love that. Theres nothing more exciting than writing a paragraph with missing apostrophe’s. WOW! Its the best thing EVER! They wont want to miss out on this! My thought was broken by the phone ringing. It was Mr. Benson. “Are you missing lots of children?” he asked?

“I am indeed – do you have any idea where they all are?” I replied.

“Well, Sarahs mum called to say she was poorly; Jakes dad said he had a bug; Lukes dad said he has the flu; Chloes mum said they had to turn the car round on the way to school as she nearly threw up and we havnt heard from James mum. There must be something going around!”.



This week, we are looking at the multiplication facts for the 6 times table. A range of questions will be tested on Monday involving multiplying and dividing by 6. Here are some questions for you to practise in preparation. Can you answer them all in 1 minute?


3 x 6                      6 x 4                      36 ÷ 6                    48 ÷ 6                 7 x 6

60 ÷ 6                    6 x 9                      5 x 6                      9 x 6                 24 ÷ 6

Year 4 Homework 8th November

Year 4 Homework

Handed out: 1st November 2017

Spellings tested: 6th November 2017


Revise your spellings for the week and aim to use them in your discussions and writing. We have looked at words ending in /shun/ spelt ‘ssion’. The root words for this rule often end in ‘ss’ or ‘mit’.

Last week, we put some spelling strategies for you to use on the blog. Pick one of these strategies to practise this week’s spellings.

expression         discussion         confession         permission

admission         transmission             possession        profession

depression         impression




This week, we would like you all to visit Times Table Rock Stars and complete at least 3 rounds in the ‘Studio’ section which will work on the times tables you need to work on.


We will be checking at the end of the week how many coins each of you have earned.