Animal Feast!

We enjoyed the start of our new Science topic this week all about Animals.

We thought about what different animals eat and used the iPads to carry out our own research into animal diets.

Can you name an animal that is a carnivore, herbivore of omnivore? image image image image image image

Igniting Inspiration

Other than making faeces….year 4 have started their newspaper learning journey. The children have stepped into the role of adventurer William Copeland to generate some high quality questions. We will be emailing these off to him in hope of some great quotes for our articles.PicCollage (2)

Disgusting Digestion

Today in Y4, we began our digestion Learning Journey. We did this by creating our own faeces, looking at each part of the process!
We learnt lots of new and accurate scientific words.

Year 3 / 4 Open Afternoon

A massive thank you to everyone that made yesterday afternoon such a success. The children all thoroughly enjoyed showing their learning and it was lovely to see so many proud faces. Take a peek at just a few of the captured moments from yesterday below.